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Devon Mediation

We are fortunate to have a highly skilled, qualified and experienced Devon based Mediator working with Big Results Training.  Adept at settling conflicts and creating the space to move forward productively, possibly when all else has failed, Mediation can be an elegant and effective solution in business, charities, not-for-profits, government organisations and voluntary organisatons.

ACAS certainly recommends mediation in workplace settings when interactions are strained or at breaking point. Often it is an opportunity for both sides to be heard and reach agreement.

What is Mediation?

Athletes holding their boat upwards

Mediation – getting everyone back in the right direction…

  • A tool which is outside of the usual processes of disciplinary or grievance
  • It is confidential to the individuals concerned and the mediator
  • It can be used to try to settle a conflict or dispute between individuals or a group of individuals
  • It has a high success rate 80% plus (according to the CIPD) and is relatively cost effective set against the costs of internal processes, discord and staff time
  • It is not something that someone can be forced to participate in because they need at least to be prepared to discuss the issues
  • If the process does not work this does not preclude the employer from using other ways to deal with the situation for example through the disciplinary route

When is Mediation used?

Mediation is often useful when dealing with relationship breakdowns, personality clashes, communication problems and even bullying and harassment.

Mediation is confidential

We will not disclose the details of mediation agreements with the employer.  All mediation is between the parties involved and is totally confidential.

How long will Mediation take?

Mediation sessions most frequently reach conciliation after one session, however there are pre-sessions involving fact-finding in advance.

Normally mediation sessions are determined by the number of individuals requiring mediation.   Two people may require 1.5 or 2 days time in total.   More people can create a more complex mediation engagement, thus taking longer.

Do we only cover Mediation in Devon?

We can work with organisations and individuals across the UK, depending upon requirements. Certainly Somerset, Avon, Dorset are traditional areas for our service to reach.  We are happy to go beyond.

Find out more or to book a Mediation Session

We can arrange a mediation session or telephone call to find out more about how mediation can help you to resolve your issues.  Please email in the first place: or call us on 01626 864458