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Big Results Coaching can help you take a little time away from a hectic schedule to focus purely on you and your “inner landscape”. 

Life coaching, business coaching… it’s all about the individual.

It’s your own personal landscape, that colours, flavours, lends texture, emotion to everything you experience. And that includes minimising stress, boosting resilience, and making living FUN!  Sometimes we cannot change our outer situation – but we can change our attitude towards it.

Using tried and tested coaching techniques, Big Results coaches help you to discover a new way of “being”.

Our aim is to equip people and organisations with the toolkit to make positive choices in their lives, emotions, thinking and behaviour.  We enable people to understand that there is always a choice, and that they can always mindfully choose their own brilliant, resilient, successful future!

We offer coaching and learning programmes to support people including:

  • One-to-one coaching
  • Short workshops, taster events
  • Open courses and programmes
  • Bespoke courses and programmes


However we deliver, we aim to provide the best coaching and training experience possible for every client. To create an environment that encourages, nurtures and supports growth and development. To motivate and inspire change. To enable clients where every possible to learn through experience and positive interaction. To avoid all jargon and complication in terms of language when delivering and providing training material. To gently motivate and encourage delegates to expand beyond their boundaries whilst supporting them to do so successfully.

Our objectives:

Strengths-based coaching for specific skills to help people achieve their optimal emotional, material, mental, physical and spiritual growth, to enable people to develop in a positive and enjoyable way through the iSscape experience and…

– achieve a deeper realisation of their own human potential

– encourage and support solution orientated thinking in the approach to problems solving and life generally.

– develop and nurture their inner joy and happiness.

– develop an awareness of their own thinking and language in terms of how it influences their every day life experience.

… now what are your objectives? And how can Big Results Coaching help you?