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Coaching tools – how to create a vision board

 How to do “VISION-BOARDING” and create your own vision board.

A vision board is an excellent coaching or self-coaching tool.  It is represented by a collage – a collection of pictures, images, quote, words, fabric, ANYTHING visual that inspires someone, that evokes a feeling they want to create.

It’s very personal to the individual, and no two vision boards are ever going to be the same.

Why would you want a vision board?

Whether you are trying to visualise your future-perfect self, attain some aspirational goals, or if you just feel like making a change, but you’re not sure what  you really want, a vision board can help bring these to life. Indeed it’s possible for a vision board to spark A vision boardoff a whole new brave direction, or to transform your “would likes” into such a compelling goal, that you feel the pull strongly enough to make things happen super-swiftly.

The compelling goal

Remember those moments when you just get that feeling of inspiration or uplift from an image, or a quote?  Remember when you see an old photo of a certain person and you feel amazing just seeing them?  Or when you find a holiday snap of a gorgeous vista, and just for a second your heart lifts?

Now imagine the power of collecting all these images together.  Whether you choose to display the vision board or not, the act of collecting the images, is very powerful. 

How to create your own vision board

Give yourself the luxury of time and collect together all the most fabulous inspirational magazines, images, quotes, etc, you can find.   (Some people will collect all these things as they go on a daily basis, pop them in a folder) then set aside some time to glue them to a larger base.

Size:  A2, A3, A4,  – even online, – your vision board can be any size or shape you want it to be.  How about creating a humungous one, and then photographing it so you’ve got it with you at all times on your mobile?

Process:  Do not think.  This is meant to be your creative, inspirational vision board. It might only ever be for your own eyes.  So just go for it! Gather together your favourite magazines, beautiful travel magazines (or even travel brochures). Pull images off the internet (see for royalty free beautiful images) save images out of brochures, draw, paint, stick.  Use glitter or sequins or sparkly stuff if you like.  Stick on bits of fabric, or old photos, quotes or receipts from a fab night out.  DO NOT ANALYSE.   Do not even think.  Do not try to make this look “right”, simply go with the flow. Just stick, stick, stick. If you feel like giving it a title, then go for it.  Otherwise, just date and sign it.

How long will it take?

I allow normally around one to 1.5 hours if working alone. And bear in mind you don’t need to do this alone – invite a group of friends over (and allow at least 3 hours).  Supply Pritt-sticks, paper and felt-tips.  Perhaps even a glass of wine and enjoy an evening vision-boarding.

Top tips for your Vision Board

  • HAVE FUN!!!!! Enjoy doing this – it’s a lovely opportunity to relax and spend time with your own dreams
  • DO NOT ANALYSE – just enjoy, childlike creativity are the key words here.
  • Make sure it’s packed full of Pictures – even if they are just your own drawings of stick-people.
  • Pictures of ANYTHING are just fine. If you like a certain kitchen cabinet and it speaks to you – then that’s great, go for it!
  • Make it bright make it colourful. Add glitz and dazzle – put whatever you want on it.
  • Make it EXCITING, something that draws you in, that makes you energised and want to go for this fabulous new future
  • Add positive affirmations, in the present tense. “I feel free as a bird”, whatever makes your heart sing.

Sharing your vision board with others

This is YOUR vision board, YOUR dreams.   Be gentle with it, and only share it to people who are going to celebrate YOUR dreams with you.  If you think someone is going to be critical – in any small way at all – then they are NOT allowed to see your vision board.

Likewise – when people share with you – become their cheerleader.  Express, alongside them, how fabulous they must feel when they look at their vision board.

You’ve got your Vision Board – what next?

This is entirely up to you, it may depend on different factors, but here are a few options:

  • You can hang it on the wall in a prime space where you’ll be able to view it every day. Every so often, take a really good look at it, spend a little time with that vision board.  Perhaps create another one to go alongside?  Or move it to a different wall to get another perspective on it completely.


  • You could put it in a place where you rarely go – but when you do go there … WOW!!! A reminder of the passion and drive you felt when creating your vision board, will all come flooding back.


  • You can completely forget it. Stick it in a draw and leave it there.  Entrusting that now you’ve “programmed” your unconscious mind to create this as your future, your mind will be making things happen for you “as if by magic” (I know a number of people where this has happened, and they discover their vision board years later, only to discover that it’s all come true!


  • You can hide it away and put a note in your diary to look at it in 6 months, or 12 months. Have yourself a review ceremony, take it out of its hiding place and spend some time with it, letting all those positive emotions flood over you.


  • You can photograph it on your mobile and carry it everywhere with you.


  • You could even have a vision-board annual reunion party, where your friends who also created original vision boards with you, all bring their boards back and you can chat about the things that have happened since vision-board creation day.
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