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Learning models – 1: Kirkpatricks

It’s useful to have a learning model in mind when investing or attending training.  Here’s some information about the Kirkpatrick model.  It’s clear and rather beautiful in its simplicity. Kirkpatrick’s model is not specifically about learning styles. Instead, it’s a widely used framework for evaluating training programs and assessing their effectiveness. The Kirkpatrick Model was developed by Donald L. Kirkpatrick in the late 1950s and has since been widely adopted in the field of training and development. It consists of four levels of evaluation, each building upon the previous one to provide a comprehensive analysis of a training program’s impact. Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation: Enhancing Training Effectiveness The Kirkpatrick […]

The importance of lone worker and personal safety…


Training for Lone Workers and Personal Safety It is often assumed that personal safety is ‘common sense’, however, it is impossible to prescribe ‘off the shelf’ solutions for all situations, such is the diversity of the ‘workplace’ in the 21st century and the variety of beliefs and experiences that colleagues will bring to the workplace. What is important is to help colleagues to understand their responsibilities and how to anticipate, avoid and manage potential violent or aggressive situations that may occur at work therefore providing them with the skills to manage unexpected situations in the best way. Over the last decade, the number of violent incidents at work has declined […]

Getting to know… Vinny

Vinny’s journey Vincent Grant, or Vinny, is an accomplished and professional trainer, therapist and change management coach. He’s spent time training with the best of the best, and invested decades and many £thousands into his achievements – like all of us at iScape, he didn’t consciously choose this as a career when leaving school.  Here’s his journey:  Hi, my name is Vinny and over 27 years ago I was inspired to ask myself the following question: “Would I consciously choose every behaviour, belief and past experience – in terms of how I react to them both mentally and emotionally?”  My answer was ‘No’   I then committed to explore this concept […]