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Stress Management

Integrated Stress Management Programmes

For improved wellbeing, performance and resilience.

  • Stress affects one in five of the working population from the newest recruit in the post room to the board of directors.*
  • It is now the single biggest cause of sickness in the UK.*
  • Over 105 million days are lost to stress each year – costing UK employers £1.24 billion.*

In 2005/6 stress cost UK employers £530 Million*… it’s easy to do the maths.  As you can see, stress is on the rise! Doubling in cost in just 6 years.

The Big Results programme of positive well-being is designed to equip your workforce with the tools to choose to counter stress before it begins.  A robust programme of mindfulness, NLP tools, breathing, stress release and understanding how stress happens, combined with communication strategies, choice-making and resilience programmes.

*Sources;  Health & Safety Executive,  Stress Management Society (

The Big Results Stress Management Programme offers a modular approach to stress management, giving a sustainable resource for ongoing improvement. Modules are flexible and work around your requirements.

 Stress Management Modules include:

MODULE A: Full Day Introduction: “Stress and the individual, stress and the team”

Introduction to Stress Management, and DISC behaviour typing to identify how individuals operate under stress.

  • Are you normally calm, but erupt under pressure?Business Talks
  • Do you usually enjoy the company of others, but become isolated and irritable when stressed?
  • Are you the creative soul of the office, but lose all ability to think when stressed out?

This full day introduction to stress not only covers stress management, but takes it even further by helping individuals to assess their personality typing and gain a greater understanding of each other.  This awareness, using DiSC tools, means that we can finally appreciate what makes us tick, and manage stress even better.


MODULE B: Full day Mindfulness, Wellbeing and Play.  “Humans Being”

Gain a greater understanding of how Mindfulness can help to reduce and remove stress, both in work and out.

Using Mindfulness, as taught by Jon Kabat-Zinn, we explore and experience Mindfulness, meditation and mindfulness techniques, that can be applied to all situations.Group of corporate people working on new project

The day continues with “time to be playful”.   Research shows that the most creative and resilient people are also those who are able to play.  Power up team-building, immunity, health and creativity with a session of Laughter Yoga, including Laughter Yoga relaxations.

Wellbeing is everywhere and different solutions work better for different people.  Here we will assess and evaluate which Wellbeing solutions may work best for people, taking into account their personality types and requirements from Module A.

This day includes at least 1/2 day of Mindfulness, 1-2 hours Laughter Yoga, and 1-2 hours creating well-being for living.



MODULE C:  Awareness & Choices for Sustained resilience  (6-month programme)

With bite-sized learning events of no longer than 3 hours per month, this sustainable programme provides a platform of resilience for ongoing wellbeing and stress management.  It will build on this platform, creating greater awareness of behaviour management (our own, and others).

Using NLP techniques, amongst others, we will cover:bizteam1

  • The Communications model – how we communicate, what we delete, distort and generalise
  • Values and Beliefs, taking diversity thinking so much further
  • Rapport – building, creating and maintaining rapport for better communication
  • Behaviour intentions – what is the aim of our behaviour, and that of others
  • Representation systems – how we experience the world and the behaviour of others – how this impacts on our own behaviour
  • Perceptions and power – viewing actions from a different perceptual position, to make an easier option for change
  • Anchors – understanding how anchors are created, creating our own, eliminating anchors.
  • Mind-reading, body language and communicating with greater ease by questioning our perceptions
  • Reframing – changing the frame to create a more positive situation
  • Disney moments – how to create the perfect Disney moment, make a great first impression every time
  • Unconscious Mind drivers, and managing consciously.
  • Cause and Effect – are we at cause or effect, taking the more powerful position to enable a greater array of choices.

Want it all in one day?   The above 6-month “Awareness & Choices” programme can be condensed into a fast-paced day of action and experiential learning.  This day supports and maintains the previous days by creating a greater understanding around our behaviours, our communication techniques, and our choices.

Based upon our observations from days 1 and 2, we will make prior recommendations as to which areas to cover and which to leave out.


 Sustainable Stress Management

In addition to the above, we offer a range of supplementary modules.  Let us talk to you about how we can create a tailored package for your business.
Full Stress Management Assessments

Engaging with your company to take initial benchmarking measurements, creating a stress management plan that can be measured against your needs at a schedule to suit you.   If required, we can build in a “next steps” training recommendation.


One to One or Team Coaching 

Perhaps one person is having a tough time of it?  May be a whole team is?  We can offer high-integrity personal coaching packages to support your organisation, at a personal level.


Stress Management for Managers

Our fast-paced day “Stress Management for Managers” helps managers to identify where stress is impacting on their team, and what to do about it.

A combination of stress-awareness, and some solid practical advice. Plenty of take-home tips, plus, of course lots of stress advice for managers themselves.


Mental Health Awareness Seminars and Workshops 

High-level Mental Health seminars, delivered by a leading consultant psychiatrist.  Depending on numbers these can be delivered as workshops or seminars.  Appropriate for all levels, particularly relevant for managers and team-leaders.


Wellbeing Days and taster events

Organising an appropriate selection of quality wellbeing practitioners and therapists to visit your premises or alternative venue and create a welcoming, inclusive day for employees and managers to try out different wellbeing activities.